Internal rules of the centre

Dear Visitors,
Balexert is a private area which is open to the public. When you come inside the centre, you will notice the efforts made to keep this a pleasant and comfortable space. So that each person feels at ease at our premises, it is necessary for everyone to comply with a certain number of rules, resulting both from obligations relating to community life and from certain legal provisions.
The security officers of Balexert and the staff of the centre are therefore authorised at all times to take action to ensure compliance with these rules which we list below. We would ask you to comply with their instructions.
We thank you for visiting and hope you enjoy your time at Balexert.
1. To guarantee the safety of goods and people, the center is equipped with a video surveillance system, in compliance with the rules applicable to the processing of personal data. For any further information please use this form.
2. For the peace of mind of visitors to the centre, begging and door-to-door selling are prohibited. Outdoor entertainment can take place only with the permission of the centre’s management and is prohibited in the car parks.
3. Visitors must be appropriately dressed.
4. It is not permitted to travel by bicycle, scooter, on roller skates or by skateboard.
5. Persons who are intoxicated or under the influence of drugs and persons acting in an aggressive manner will be refused access to Balexert. Smoking is prohibited.
6. Dogs must be kept on a lead and must not be a nuisance to the public. Owners must clear up after their dogs.
7. Rest areas have been set up for our visitors to use. Loitering in other public areas, notably on staircases, is not permitted.
8. Deliberate damage will be reported to the police and followed up systematically. Any criminal offense, including willful depredation, will be reported to the police and systematically prosecuted. Depending on the seriousness of the facts, a ban on entering the center may be imposed.
9. Photo or video shooting organized for other than private and personal purposes are subject to prior authorization from the center.
Rules for the car park

1. The car park is accessible seven days a week from 07.00 to 01.00. The maximum stay in the car park is 10 hours. By entering the car park you are deemed to have accepted these rules and the prices in force as displayed. Parking by night is prohibited.
2. To ensure the safety of property and people, the car park is equipped with a video surveillance system, as well as a license plate reading system, in compliance with the rules applicable to the processing of personal data. Likewise, conversations that take place with an operator, from toll machines or entry and exit terminals, are recorded for evidence. For any information please contact us here
3. The car park is available to users in exchange for payment of a parking fee to be made at the automatic pay machines, before collecting your vehicle.
4. The car park is accessible only to motor vehicles with an overall height of less than 1.95m and weighing no more than 3,500kg. Vehicles with a trailer are not permitted to enter the car park. Bicycles, mopeds and motorbikes must be parked in the spaces reserved for them inside and outside the car park (Avenue Casaï side).
5. LPG-powered vehicles are not permitted inside the car park.
6. It is strictly prohibited to park outside the parking spaces.
7. Disabled spaces are reserved for vehicles having an authorisation, which must be placed in a clearly visible position behind the windscreen.
8. It is prohibited to park vehicles having no registration plates. Such vehicles will be removed immediately at the cost of the keeper or driver.
9. The speed limit inside the car park is 10km/h. Drivers must switch on their dipped-beam headlights. Where there is a long wait, the engine must be turned off.
10. Users are required to take a ticket and validate their exit by putting the ticket in the ticket machine, even where there is no barrier. After payment, the exit ticket is valid for 15 minutes.
11. The driving rules prescribed by road traffic law and ordinances are applicable inside the car park.
12. Management reserves the right to immobilise any vehicle contravening these rules using a wheel clamp and/or to have it removed, at the expense of the keeper or driver.
13. An immediate return to the car park (less than 30 minutes) does not entitle you to a new free hour. In such a case, the usual rate will be increased by a penalty of CHF 10.-.
Lost ticket: the parking time will be increased by a penalty of CHF 10.-.
14. Vehicles are parked in the car park entirely at the owner’s or driver’s responsibility. Before leaving his/her vehicle, the driver must ensure that the engine is switched off and the brakes applied. Parked cars must be locked. It is prohibited to remain in your vehicle or to leave children or animals in the vehicle. The centre’s management will on no account be held liable for theft from or damage to parked vehicles caused by third parties.
15. In the event of fire or danger, you should turn off the engine and lock the vehicle, then calmly evacuate the car park using the closest emergency exits. Pedestrians must use the designated walkways. Users must at all times comply with the guidance and instructions given by car park staff.
16. Users who cause damage to parked cars or to the building and its facilities have a duty to inform the centre’s management and the owners of the damaged cars immediately.
17. The display of notices, distribution of flyers, begging and door-to-door sales are prohibited. Games, roller skates, skateboards and scooters are not permitted inside the car park.
18. It is not permitted to carry out repairs inside the car park, except in the case of breakdown, or to wash vehicles. It is prohibited to empty ashtrays or throw litter on the ground.
19. Any vehicle parked in the car park for over 24 hours without the centre’s written permission will be impounded immediately without notice by the police, at the expense of the keeper or driver. Authorisation issued on a discretionary basis (can be refused without reasons); no appeal possible.
20. Any vandalism to the pay machines, the entry and exit ticket machines, the barriers and the video surveillance system will be punished by criminal proceedings brought against the perpetrator.
21. In the event of a dispute, the Geneva courts have sole jurisdiction, subject to appeal to the Federal Court, and Swiss law is applicable to these regulations.
22. Smoking is prohibited in the parkings.
Management of the centre